News - January 2020
Christchurch Men's Shed
Did you wake up feeling any different on the 1st Feb? Just a touch of excitement maybe?
As well as being the first day of Brexit, it was the start of the 2020 Six Nations!
But the following day was far more momentous: It was the only true palindromic date in our lifetime: 02022020
Active Highcliffe
Many thanks to everyone who attended and helped out at the recent Active Highcliffe event at the Castle. I think there were 12 of us from CMS. Much to our surprise, the event was crowded throughout the day and we generated a lot of interest. Hopefully we not only raised our profile in Highcliffe but also encouraged some new members to join. We sold one of JB's pens and took an order for another Xmas tree - all monies to CMS funds.
Based on receipts, there were a total of 88 visits to the workshop in January.
I haven't checked but I think that is a record. Graham Lovell brought in some nice hardwood boards for the shed - thanks Graham . Rob Heels gave the blue w/w lathe a workout turning legs for a stool project.
The carvers and whittlers were at it again - Jerry is working on a Puffin (I particularly liked the way he made the eye with a turned brass ring surrounding a black pupil) and Lenny is getting close to finishing his Saxon helmet & skull. John Blakeman and Peter Turner were last seen working on a sheet of aluminium which I think was part of a water fountain - but I might have got that wrong.
Jerry took the lead on making up an order for another (3) bird boxes.
John King once again provided the wood for free keeping our costs to a minimum.
Nick Mowll received a £30 donation for the cheese board he made for the sailing club
Druit gardens gave a donation in return for the bird boxes we made for them.
They also presented us with a box of chocolate biscuits but not one made it out of the Shed.
Thanks to everyone who brings in cakes for our tea break on shed days.
The 50p we ask in return for a generous noggin helps build our "Old School House" fighting fund.
Together with the Mudeford Club raffle, various donations and our recent social recent events, we have raised over £300 over the past few months.
Martin & Anne donated a selection of hand tools including a small polished anvil which generated a lot of interest
Question: Who has noticed the black diamond markings on their tape measure and wondered what they were for? (Answer below)
Barry's Shed Roof
Thanks to Brian Vaughn and his team, Barry now has a splendid new roof on his shed.
If Barry is a bit tetchy over the next few weeks, it is only because he is drying out - well that's what he told me anyway.
A generous donation was made to Men's Shed by way of thanks!
New Members
Please welcome Phil Denson, Robert Fielder and Rob Heels who have all joined recently bringing our total membership up to 38.
Just a reminder that CMS membership renewal will be due at the end of March.
CMS members who use the workshop facilities at Greystone's House will also need to renew their HCA membership.
Re-Claimed Timber
Andy Skarstein brought this potential source of softwood, hardwood, plywood, OSB etc etc to our attention - The Southampton Wood Recycling Project. There is a price list on their website and details of how to find them. It is worth a look.
Forthcoming Events:
- General meeting at Greystone's House, Tuesday 4th February starting at 2.00 pm in Room 2. Bob Mackinnon will bring us up to date on developments at The Old School House including applications for funding, grants received and monies required to get a (10 year) lease in place.
- February Mudeford Club Lunch - Friday 21st Feb. starting at 12.00 noon
- There will be a Quiz Night with Fish & Chips at The Old School House on Friday 6th March at 7.30 pm organised by Highcliffe Residents Association (HRA). Bring your own drinks and glasses. Tickets £10 per person from Lesley 07717 795126 or Judie 07899 720482. If anyone is interested, suggest we make up teams and buy blocks of tickets.
See you all down the shed!
John Pegram
Christchurch Men's Shed
Tape measure puzzle answer - those pesky black diamonds are at 16-inch centres giving 7 studs on a standard 8ft span tape.
(P.S. from Richard: Think that they are there to help mark the positon of ceiling joists)..
Contact Information
Robin Heels (Secretary)
- 07547922246
Find Christchurch Men's Shed
Greystones House, Waterford Road, Christchurch, Dorset, BH23 5JL
Additional Information
Located in the Lower Hall of The Old School. The Old School is near Highcliffe Medical Centre and opposite Highcliffe Play Park by the pedestrian light controlled crossing.